We are offering a complete charter out of Fort Lauderdale Florida and we (fish hard, produce fish and most of all making sure everyone has a good time, having fun and we want you to return to fish with us again). Teaching new fishermen and fisherwomen, always willing to explain the patterns of fish and why the bite is happening on some areas, the tackle used, the bait dead or alive and everything that goes into the fishing day, we are happy to answer any questions and hopefully you will leave our fishing charter boat out of Fort Lauderdale with a bag of fresh fish and a foundation of fishing fundamentals. We welcome experienced fishermen to hook their own fish and wire/gaff their own fish as well as new fisherpersons to experience a fun day on the water fishing aboard the 46' Hatteras the "Happy Day Today". Check out the fishing website at www.topshotfishing.com and see updated photos and updated fishing reports.
Tight lines,
Capt. Zsak
(954) 439-8106