Hola ,

This is an update on the letter sent regarding INCOPESCA and the killing of Sailfish and Marlin.

The Presidents office says fax is the best way to contact the President.

Oscar Arias Presidents of Costa Rica's personal fax

Fax in Costa Rica # 2253-9078

From the USA #011-506-2253-9078

**PLEASE take 5 minutes and write a short note to the President and fax it to him. A huge stack of paper faxes will be hard for the President to ignore.



Fish Species: Sailfish and Marlin
Bait Used:
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Method Used:
Water Depth:
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About The Author: Jerry Bubba Hallstrom

Company: Costa Rica Fishing Report

Area Reporting: Los Suenos Marina - Jaco Beach

Bio: I have a fish taco/sportfishing stand in downtown Jaco. My food is popular with the guys in the marina and I get fresh fishing reports daily. I have a 26 foot CC in Los Suenos Marina and have fished here since 1998.

Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Fishing Guide Jerry Bubba Hallstrom