The annual Pompano Beach saltwater series kicked off on a positive note. 120 boats and a decision to run south was a crapshoot against numerous top teams heading north for the big kings. Fortunately, a decision to run south payed off for a third place overall finish with a catch of 4 tunas, 2 kingfish and one weigher dolphin to total 126.9lbs. of fish. We were unable to live chum due to tournament rules although we did chunk as much as possible and that definatley produced a consistent bite throughout the day. Quite a few sailfish were in the mix too releasing a total of four "big" fish. I haven't seen sails that big in a long time and I'm talking two were pushing the century mark!!! Most of the action started right from the get go and tapered off until the early afternoon. I f you can, get out there and get em' while the actions hot these next couple of months.... Let's go fishin'