The plan was a lovely day out on the the ocean, catch sand dabs to the anglers delight and fill, then run crab pots for limits of great tasting Dungeness crabs. Yesterdays weather forecast bode well for today. Then I looked this morning at the forecast. It said 5-15 with 15-25 in the afternoon. Well the 15-25 knots was in the afternoon, on the east coast or possibly middle of the Atlantic. I adapted to the weather and said we would pull pots first, then fish to our hearts content. In the morning I describe the crabbing part as "Has anyone seen Deadlist Catch? We will be doing the same thing, find the buoys, running the buoys through the hydraulics, sort the crab etc." What I didn't count on was Deadliest Catch weather. The seas had deteriorated by the time we got to the pots. We finally got limits and were heading out to the sand dabs grounds, when the white flag was raised for fishing. Huli Cat couldn't make over 8 knots going into the swell, towards the fishing grounds. Rebaited the pots, waiting for better weather.
Saturday's attempt at a Sand dab crab combo

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