Miss Judy Charters
Captain Judy Helmey
"Kicking Fish Tail Since 1956!"
124 Palmetto Drive
Savannah, Georgia 31410
912 897 4921 or 912 897 3460 fax
July 2, 2007
Captain Judy's Saltwater Fishing Report
Which includes:
Inshore report, Offshore Report, Freshies Suggestions, and "Little Miss Judy's Believe It or Not!" (Story)
Savannah Snapper Banks
It's a must that you have live bait when you go fishing in this area. During this time of the year there is so much other bait opportunity that a fish really doesn't know what to eat when. However, they will eat especially if you offer up something that gets them in the charging and eating mode. With all of this being said, "the rule of thumb is the freshest, liveliest, and the shiniest that you can get your hands on. We have had several customers ask why we can't get our bait the day before the trip. It's not that we don't want too. It's just that we can't, because we have tried and it just doesn't work. We have gathered bait the day before; put it in the live well, and the next morning were met with a series of problems. The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that what wasn't already dead was half dead. We also noticed that their appearance or should I say "skin or scale color whichever the case may be had changed." The ones that did survive the night all had what I call "fish shock!" I am assuming stress happened when we put them in different case water scenario. The bottom line to this subject is the fact that the best bait is the ones that are caught the day of. In a fisherman's world of catching you need to do and have all that you can to get the fish's attention. Live bait is going to give you the best chance for catching a big bottom fish. Live bait seems to be the best catalyst.