We started last Monday night with ne 15- 20 knots and made it to the Swordfish. The weather detiorated and we called it at 9pm to come in with no fish. Wednesday night was a different ocean as the wind didn't even blow and we fished flat calm water. Damien Lee and his 2 friends caught there first Swordfish weighing 120 pounds and lost 1 of the same size. Thursday night I rolled out with Mike Moore from Boston MA to catch some swordfish. The conditions were picking up again but were steady at 15 knots SE with nice 6 foot swells spaced comfortably apart. We got a very late start and couldn't catch bait but we had some real nice Squid. We caught one Sword which we opted to release. We also caught a little Dolphin about 4 pounds and bridled him up for bait but never got the bite. Friday night we were kicked out of the Swordfish grounds with seas at 10 foot in the stream. We fished the reef until 8pm and caught a Sailfish in a 100 feet of water. Then we shifted our plans to go Tarpon fishing. We had thrown the net on some Mullet earlier and kept them for back-up. We had some fun back at my docks where we were sheltered from the increasing wind. We jumped a few Tarpon and ran out of bait. The weather should be laying down some for tomorrow night and we should be out there.
For the next 2 months, we are reserving trips to the Bahamas. We can do same day or multiple days of fishing. The Wahoo bite is going off everyday now over there, we just have to have that weather window.
There is a Swordfish tournament coming up on November 18th. To get in everything it cost $1,725.00 for a chance to win over $40,000.00 cash.
We are available for this event and are eager to fish it.
If you want to go Wahoo fishing in the Bahamas, Swordfishing in the stream, Sailfishing on the reef, or even to get in on the tournamnent, call me for details.
Lets get em,
Captain Cary Hanna