Okuma Titus T-30 Conventional Reels Reviews
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Details:Confidence is a great thing when you are offshore. You are in free spool and you feel your bait dancing at the end of your line. You know it just got nervous. Line starts ripping off. You throw the lever. Wham ! Set the hook. The pre-set drag is prefect. You have no idea what it is that is screaming away from the boat, but you do know that whatever it is, or more importantly, however big it is, you have a good shot of landing it with your Titus lever drag.
User reviews for Titus T-30Number of Reviews: 6 Average Rating: 2.17 Add Your Own Review Rating: ![]() Reviewed on May 18, 2012 by Capt. Howard Albert from Haulover Marina, Miami Beach, Fl Bought this reel for use with planner. We are a charter boat. The handle broke off with just a few uses. Just try to get parts..... Impossible Rating: ![]() Reviewed on August 10, 2008 by ART GREENBERG from GEORGETOWN, MA. 01833 I JUST RECEIVED A T-30 OKUMA LEVER DRAG. I HAVE NO INFORMATION ON IT. DO YOU HAVE A BOOK ABOUT THIS REEL?? IT IS ALSO MISSING A PART I THINK!! I WOULD APPRECIATE ANY AND ALL INFO. ABOUT THIS REEL, AS I DO A LOT OF OCEAN FISHING OFF OF THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. THANK YOU ART GREENBERG 123 POND ST. GEORGETOWN, MA. 01833 Rating: ![]() Reviewed on July 3, 2008 by Ahab from Oracle, Arizona Having used Titus reels on everything from tuna to 400# sea lions I can attest to the reason the west coast charter captains prefer them to most others. I've never had a drag system failure and suspect those that have didn't read the owners manual. Rating: ![]() Reviewed on December 20, 2007 by Gary the Guide from Queen charlotte Islands TERRIBLE!!!! Useless drag system that didn't work out of the box. After 2 weeks the drag control started to corrode... this is a salt water reel???? Paid 250. and feel like it was thrown overboard. Rating: ![]() Reviewed on April 25, 2007 by michiganparts from Lake Michigan Nice reel with a TERRIBLE drag system. They can't be the same drags as the Titus Gold or Silver. Cheep paper fiber substrate with a cloth like woven coating. The drag will be loose one second and then just "bind" the next time the fish runs. For the money go with a Shimano Charter Special, they have great drags as do the Penns I have on the boat. Rating: ![]() Reviewed on April 7, 2007 by bob sagget from massachusetts I think this reel deserves a 4/5 rating because you can use this reel for anything.I've used this reel for 3 years now, and its lasted through every fight! I've cought cow strippers,bluefin tune in the 100-500 Lb range, mahi-mahi,yellowfin tuna, a couple of striped marlin out inthe grand banks, cobia, red drum, salmon,4 species ofshark,gruaper,spot,cod,halibut,dogfishand thats covers it. I still have my T-30 and i haven't needed any work on it. If u just want to drop some bait down on the drift or troll for those trophy strippers youve been looking for this reel will do the job without complaints. Add your own review |