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Best Fishes
Larry Quigley

Here is the local Fishing reports from our friends at Island Outfitters

Reported by: Tom Vaida

Salt Water Fishing for March 04


Winter spring fishing is FAIR but not many anglers were out this past week due to weather. Halibut fishing has been VERY GOOD even though not too many anglers were out. If you have any fishing info, notable catches or tips that you would like to share or have included in our fishing report, please email us at


Just like last week, salmon fishing was GOOD but not too many people were out fishing. A few anglers caught springs, but mostly fish less than 10 lbs. However, a 20 lb spring was taken during the week off of the Sooke Bluffs. Most salmon are being caught off the Sooke Bluffs near the trailer park and/or near Secretary Island and the mouth of the harbor. The fish are close to the bottom and deep (100 feet or more). With spoons try Watermelon or Army Truck color combinations with 4" Coyotes, Gypsies and Titans. Anchovy is still the most popular natural bait, using Rhys Davis Watermelon or Purple Haze teaser heads. With plastic baits, go with the Mint Tulip, Purple Haze hootchies or squirts.

HALIBUT- Halibut fishing has started but we haven't heard of any coming from out here. Extra Large herring and/or octopus are the most popular baits. However, if the dogfish become a nuisance you can use Mudraker or Lucky Jigs or the new Glow in the Dark bullet Jig.

Becher Bay

The marina reports SLOW fishing for springs. Only seven springs were weighed in on the weekend. Like last week, not too many anglers were out fishing though. All of the fish were caught on the outside of Fraser Island and off the Bedford Islands and none inside the bay. Most of the fish were not too large, nothing over 10 lbs. Among the effective lures this past week were spoons in Green/Silver, Watermelon or Army Truck color patterns. Plastic baits were also good with Purple Haze and the Mint Tulip the best color patterns. Rhys Davis teaser heads in Purple Haze and Watermelon have been very good when fished with anchovies.

Pedder Bay

Fishing was FAIR with most boats getting a fish or two. The most productive area was Whirl Bay to the Bedford Islands where springs up to 12 lbs were caught. However, the mouth of the bay was OK too for fish up to 10 lbs. The best depths to fish near the can buoy have been 120 to 140 feet. The best fishing in Whirl Bay has been close to the bottom in 117 to 125 feet of water. If you're fishing bait, use anchovy or small herring in Watermelon, Mint Pearl or Purple Haze teaser heads. With plastic baits use the Cloverleaf, Army Truck or Purple Haze hootchies and squirts. With spoons try Silver/Brass, Green Silver, Mongoose, or Watermelon color combinations with 4" Coyotes, Gypsies and Titans.

HALIBUT- No halibut were weighted in at the marina this past week. Blame the weather. Extra Large herring and/or Octopus are the most popular baits. However, if the dogfish become a nuisance you can use Mudraker or Lucky Jigs or the new Glow in the Dark bullet Jig.

Victoria Waterfront

Salmon fishing was SLOWER for winter springs. Constance Bank was the most productive area and some anglers were doing well there. Barry Eaglestone got the big one for the week, a 22.2 lb spring out at Constance Bank. It was caught on an anchovy. The waterfront, from Clover Point to the Gravel Pit, was slower and plagued with seals. Most anglers were fishing quite deep, at least 140 feet. The herring had started going up the gorge but not in large numbers and most anglers haven't had much luck this past week. When trolling the waterfront, look for the schools of baitfish on the sounder, fish near bait, and wait for the bite to come. Anchovy in Glow, Purple Haze and Watermelon teaser heads are working well. Cracked Ice or Glow flashers have been very productive too. Jellyfish, Purple Haze and Cloverleaf squirts fished behind Purple Glow or Green Glow flashers have been working well too. If you use spoons, try Green Silver, Cop Car or Army Truck color combinations with 4" or 5" Coyotes, Gypsies, Tomics and Titans.

HALIBUT - Constance Bank was VERY GOOD for halibut during the week. Our boat produced limits of 8 for 4 people on two trips, and limits for fewer anglers on other days. Herring and Octopus have been the best baits for our boat. Gulp halibut baits have been working well too. However, if the dogfish become a nuisance you can use Mudraker or Lucky Jigs or the new Glow in the Dark bullet Jigs.

Oak Bay

Fishing was SLOW for winter springs out on the Flats as we haven't heard of anyone fishing there this past week. The fish had been in the 80 to 120 foot depths, chasing needlefish. However, there doesn't seem to be a seal problem in Oak Bay so when you do get a fish you're actually likely to land it. Most of the action has been coming on Glo Below or Green/White squirts and hootchies.

HALIBUT - Halibut fishing was VERY GOOD. Al Zaalberg landed a 70.9 lb halibut last Monday that was the biggest one of the week. Extra Large herring and/or Octopus are the most popular baits. However, if the dogfish become a nuisance, you can use Mudraker or Lucky Jigs or the new Glow in the Dark bullet Jigs.


Salmon fishing has been QUITE GOOD in Sidney. The south end of the Sidney Channel near the Powder Wharf has been the best with most anglers landing winter springs up to 12 lbs there. On Thursday; Dallas & Patty Stober caught two salmon near Coal Island. One was 15lbs and the other 8 lbs. They were using glow squirts and a silver green coyote spoon. There are quite a few salmon around that are just below the minimum size length. The best fishing has been close to the bottom in deeper water. 4" Coyote or Gypsy spoons in Mongoose, Silver/Green or Green/Glow have been the best baits. Other good bets are Anchovy and Tiny Strip. Plastic baits have been good too with the Glow Squirts, J-79 and Jellyfish being the best ones.

Notable Catches

Barry Eaglestone got the biggest salmon of the week, a 22.2 lb spring taken at Constance Bank. It was caught on an anchovy. Al Zaalberg picked up a 70.9 lb halibut on herring in Oak Bay. Dallas & Patty Stober caught 15lb and 8 lb springs near Coal Island. If you have any fishing info, notable catches or tips that you would like to share or have included in our fishing report, please email us at


Fresh Water Fishing for March 04


The local lakes are still GOOD for rainbow trout. Bass fishing is SLOW. Steeheading is GOOD on the Cowichan and other island rivers. Stocking of catchable rainbows in the local lakes happens from the March 1 to March 10th so look for lots of action soon. If you have any fishing info or notable catches that you would like to share or have included in our fishing report, please email us at

Stamp River

The steelhead fishing this past week was GOOD but it's been slower for fresh run fish than in previous weeks. There are plenty of fish in the system but a lot of them are kelts now. Both shore and boat anglers are catching fish so your chances are good on the river.

Cowichan River

Steelheading is GOOD on the Cowichan. The water level is just above 1.2 meters both near the lake and Duncan. There are lots of steelhead in the river and we have heard of a quite few being landed in all sections of the river, both on flies and gear. There are lots of productive spots to chose from with the water this low, not just the most popular pools, so shore anglers can get into the action too. Most boats drifting the river are picking up 1-3 fish per day. Good bets for steelhead on the Cowichan are pink worms, Gooey Bobs and Spin'n'Glo's. At the top end of the river, anglers are doing well fly fishing for trout with egg patterns.

Local Lakes

Trout fishing remains GOOD and will be REAL GOOD SOON as stocking of catchable rainbows in the local lakes happens from the March 1 to March 10th. Just like last week, anglers fishing Powerbait or worms just off the bottom are having lots of luck. The trout are near the bottom and feeding mostly on chironomids. Most fly anglers are fishing with the old reliables; Leeches, Wooly Buggers, Careys and Doc Spratleys fished near the bottom. Chironomids have been been very good and Pheasant Tail, Halfback and Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear nymphs, micro leeches and micro buggers in maroon and black have also been excellent. For trolling try #6 Len Thompson spoons, Flatfish, or Tomic Wee Tads in frog or rainbow patterns, red & white, or yellow with red spots. Rapalas is silver, gold or Rainbow Trout also work well. Willow Leaf Lake trolls with wedding bands and worms will almost always catch some fish. Anglers still fishing should try a small light hook Gamakatsu #8) with a power egg on a 1ft leader. Tie on a swivel and then put an egg weight on your main line. Alan Novak landed 14 rainbows up to 20" while fishing Langford Lake on Sunday. Alan was using a combination of Red & Yellow Powerbait with Shrimp Lunker Lotion attractant fished just off the bottom.

Bass Fishing

Bass fishing has been SLOW as the water temperature is cold. The bass are in the deeper waters, at least 15 to 20 feet, and are holding on deep water structure. Your best bet is fishing these suspended fish in deeper water and using 4" tube jigs, lizards, or jigs with pork rind or by the drop shot method. If you do make the effort, you can get some good action. Shawnigan Lake, Prospect Lake and Elk and Beaver Lakes have been the best spots for bass. St, Mary's Lake on Saltspring Island would be another good spot to try.

Notable Catches

If you have any fishing info, notable catches or tips that you would like to share or have included in our fishing report, please email us at

Fish Species: Salmon & Halibut
Bait Used:
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About The Author: Captain Larry Quigley

Company: Quigley Sport Fishing Ltd

Area Reporting: Southern Vancouver Island

Bio: I have been fishing southern Vancouver island for 27 years. We now operate our lodge from Port Renfrew BC

Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Captain Larry Quigley