Francisco Rosario

Hi Fishermans come to Boqueron Bay in this winter and enjoy the Action in one of the best spot to fish Tarpon in the Word...

The client's anticipation builds with the rising sun and the buzz becomes a vibration. The angler's heartbeat can be felt on the bottom of my feet. The Sabalo surface for a gulp of air, and I position the flat boat. The angler's knees rattle. This is the moment he dreamed of, a chance of a lifetime, the opportunity to test his mettle against the silver KIng, the beast of all beasts,el Sabalo.

Tarpon fishing has turned into an obsession with anglers who plan their whole year's schedule around the tarpon season and tarpon runs all over the world.

It is easy to see why tarpon fishing is so addictive. Tarpon grow very large and are plentiful. Tarpon take a wide variety of baits, lures and flies. The fight of a hooked tarpon is one truly awesome experience in the world of sport fishing.

Tarpon are known for their initial jumps and powerful runs. Even with modern gear tarpon are strong adversaries and are not easily taken. They are legendary for their ability to throw hooks because of their bony mouths make hook setting difficult. Hooking a tarpon is like trying to penetrate steel. Combine this with violent head thrashing jumps some as high as 8 feet. It becomes very clear why tarpon are able to not only throw hooks but break lines and leaders. A technique which is a lean toward the tarpon when it is ready to break surface known as "a bow to the king" creates a slack in the line to help keep the tarpon from throwing the hook. In spite of the many challenging traits tarpon have catching a world class tarpon still remains a highlight of many anglers. come to the right place Boqueron Bay Puerto Rico Our professional tarpon fishing charters offer a quality experience for all.

no passport required for u.s. citizens

For booking yours Fishing trips Call.Capt.Pochy to: 1-787-547-7380 cel or

home 1-787-849-1430 we have few days open call soon.

Beautiful Weather and spectacular Fishing, "Life is Good!"

we Guarantee the best service and prices.

Tarpon Memories and a great day of Fishing Guarantee applies any Trips.


Fish Species: tarpon and others
Bait Used: sardines or flies
Tackle Used: sping or fly
Method Used: bait or lure
Water Depth: 5 to10 feet
Water Temperature: 84
Wind Direction: souht east
Wind Speed: 5 to 15 n

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Francisco Rosario

About The Author: Captain Francisco Rosario

Company: Light Tackle Adventure Tarpon Fishing

Area Reporting: Boqueron Bay (Cabo Rojo Puerto Rico)

Bio: Capt. Francisco \"Pochy\" Rosario� U.S.C.G Certified Captain License � Certified Guide by Puerto Rico Tourism Company (GT 2001-018) � Endorsed by the Puerto Rico Tourism Company � Endorsed by Comisi�n de Servicio P�blico (Public Service Commission) (S-03-06-Feb-518) Capt. Francisco "Pochy" Rosario is a passionate fisherman. He born and raised in the West Coast of Puerto Rico, and been fishing tarpon since he was 12 years old. Capt. Rosario has more than 16 years of experience in sport fishing. He began working as mate for Western Tourist Services, a deep sea fishing charter company. In 1999 after getting his U.S.C.G license, he decides to start his own business as Inshore Fishing Services. He offered Light Tackle and Fly Fishing trips for tarpon, snook, jacks, mangrove snapper and barracudas. He has a 17' customized skiff for a spectacular fishing in the West Coast of Puerto Rico. The boat has marine radio, livewell with bait pump, 14 rod holder , deep finder, 19 gal. Gas tank, 2006 85 hp Yamaha endure, 6 life jackets USCG approved, 3 bait net, 4 dry storage, nav. Lights, push pole, flear kit and fire extinguisher.

Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Captain Francisco Rosario