Well guys, although in the past few weeks we've been catching a sailfish here, a sailfish there, they haven't been biting as good as they usually do. This week the sailfishing was off the scale. Every day this week we have been seeing multiple sailfish on the kite and on the troll. Even the drift boat has been catching sails this week using dead ballyhoo. The Friday night swordfish trip the past couple of weeks was slow, but we really didn't have the moon. This next Friday trip is only a few days before the full moon, which is absolutely perfect so I expect a great trip on this Friday night.
The kings have been slow this week also. Only a few kings to report this week, although the ones we have been catching have been really big(20lbs.+). Since the kings have been slow, we've been making some deeper drifts and the dolphin have been biting really good. We've had some nice dolphin catches this week, with some big bulls mixed in with the schoolies. And all our dolphin have been caught just out of the blue; not around any boards or debris.
Cobia are around again. Been catching a few on the deep wrecks while making drops with live baits. Watch out if you see a ray or turtle out there. You might get jumped by a school of cobia.
We're in the transitionary period now for the winter when the sails are starting to bite, the bottom fish are just starting to show up again, the bait fish are returning and the dolphin are biting. So book a charter, the best time of year to fish is just around the corner.