The Season is Upon Us...
By: Capt. Hap Farrell
It's the early part of April. The day is going to be in the low 50's and sunny. The smell of spring is in the air. Now, have you gotten your rod and reel cleaned with new line on it yet? If not, get down to the Goose Hummock right away, the fish are almost here.
With all the turmoil going on in the country, here on the Cape we can count on one thing. When spring comes so do the bass, flounder, bluefish, and all the other finned critters we go fishing for. The freshwater anglers can fish year round for the most part but us saltwater anglers have to wait for our quarry to come with the spring season. Now that it is here anticipation is starting to mount so get your gear ready.
In a week or two the first spring run stripers will show up on the south shore of the Cape and shortly after that they will hit Pleasant Bay, the outer beach and then Cape Cod Bay, Barnstable Harbor and other little nooks and crannies around Cape Cod Bay.
A few days ago, while in Orleans Center, I spotted a Jeep with rod holders on the front bumper. In one of those rod holders was a light action bait cast rod and reel with a white squiggly lure hooked on one of the guides. This means some fisherman has already started looking. So, don't be the last one there, get ready, it's time...