I am often asked, "When is the best time to fish the Stick Marsh?" Usually I answer whenever you can find the time to relax and have some fun. Then I follow it up by saying that my favorite time of the year is the fall.
Several reasons make this time of year the best. Manly the weather is by far the nicest we have with most days starting with a little coolness in the air followed by a gentle from the sun into the low to mid 80's by midday. Early season cold fronts are mostly warmer, drier and less windy than the ones that come later in the winter months. All in all it is just plain nice, especially after enduring the previous few months of unabated heat and frequent thunder storms.
Water temperatures fall back toward the 70's and signals to the fish that it is time to gorge and prepare for mating season. Thus far this year has been no exception as the fishing has picked up recently both in numbers and 1uality and the enjoyment factor has been high. The fish are more aggressive and don't seem to be all that choosy on what they will eat. I have noticed that live bait has been better for quantity of fish over artificial; quality seems to be there no matter the choice with plenty of fish over five lbs. being landed on most every outing.
Lastly, in the fall the fishing pressure at the lake is still quite low. Most seems like you have the lake to yourself. There are just a few other anglers out there on a daily basis who know the best time is right now. This special time of year is fleeting though and before you know what happened, it will be over. Don't waste another nice day wishing you were fishing, give me a call toll free and let's go catching!