Captain John and Skip had Timmy, Neil and Mike out for a day of Toggin and when I talked to John at 2pm The guys were having a tough day . With only about 20 keepers aboard , and nothing of any size. They went off to fish another piece a little deeper and got a few nice fish made one more and completed the day with Just shy of 50 keepers and a bunch of shorts released. Timmy had 9 fish to 6 lbs , Mike had 8 keepers and Neil had 8 or 9 Keepers . John and Skip had 20 between them to 8lbs. It was a long day and the bite was off due to the moon but in the end they got it done. fishing was between 50 and 60 ft and they bit better on the greenies than the whites, Go figure
Tog Fishing New York Bight In Between
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