First thing I noticed was the decent water color, but more importantly the water temperature was a few degrees warmer than last week. So, hopes were high! We casted spoons and stickbaits down the shoreline with no hits or follows. I made the decision to start trolling. We put out a few small in-line boards and a couple of flat lines and down the shore we headed. Right as we got into the cove East of Shipbuilders creek FISH ON! IT was our first fish of the day and it was our smallest fish of the day. We trolled a little bit further without a hit, and I made the decision to head down to 4 mile creek. We pull up and the water still looks good. We found 37 degree water outside the mouth and once in the creek it was 38. Not a touch, which was really surprising. So, again the decision to troll was tossed out and accepted by the crew. We put the lines in the water and headed back West. From 4 mile creek to shipbuilders we were able to put 5 more fish in the boat, and we also lost one. It was a great end to a slow start! Black and silver off brand stickbait was the hot bait for us pulling 6 bites, and its brother in a goby pattern took one. Reports from some friends said they had as good or better luck trolling from sun up. Its starting guys, so gear up and lets go whack some fish!