Warm water and rough water was the theme for last week. We only got to fish on Saturday and even then we could not get out to the cooler water off shore because of the lake and weather conditions. The water was 67 degrees on top from the shore line to 180 foot of water and it was 65 degrees 150 foot down in 180 foot of water.
We never did find cool water however we never got deeper than 200 foot of water because of the wind and rough conditions. The report is that there is some cool water out in 280 to 300 foot of water but you have to fish 120 to 130 foot down to find it. We did manage to catch a few 2 year old salmon and one 4 year old in 160 foot of water and we lost a couple of mid size salmon.
Because of the warm water, the only action was on the downriggers at 150 and 130 foot down and on the wire divers at 300 foot. Almost all the action occurred on flashers and flies.
Where is the cool water? I have no idea. This is the warmest water conditions that I have seen at this time of the year in my 33 years of charter experience. Check back and keep track of the fishing in Saugatuck. You can also feel free to contact me at any time by email at: captron@chartermichigan.com or call toll free at 888-253-8372