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Week 1 of Maryland's Trophy Striper Season
Water Temperature 58
Water Clarity 3'
Seas 2' to 3'
Weather windy
Fishing For Trophy Striped Bass
Location Chesapeake Bay near Annapolis, Md.
Bait Sassy Shad
Lure Bucktails and Spoons
Depth 25' to 140'
Captain Captain John Wilkinson
Report The Maryland Chesapeake Bay striped bass trophy season opened on Saturday, April 17th. The weather continues to cause trip cancellations during the first week of the season. We've had gusting winds and 3 foot seas. It was not fun out there, but the weekday weather made up for the bad weekend, plus the fish were biting. We caught some rotund 32 to 38 inch fish. For all of you fisherman out there, now is the time when you will have your best chance of catching your trophy striper. This Chesapeake Bay season will end on May 15th, and the boat will be moved to Atlantic City, NJ for the remainder of the fishing season. Call me on my cell at 410-320-9351 if you would like to book a trip. Tightlines, Capt. John Wilkinson
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5 fish on dock.jpg
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