I took out 24 people from 3 VA Campuses who were a combination of wounded, disabled or blind on a rock fishing trip. I had a few volunteers from the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of Safari Club International on the boat to assist with helping these folks fish and get to and from the cabin. It was tremendously rewarding to see how happy these people were to be out on the water, catching fish and enjoying a different type of outing from what they normally experience. I did come in early to drop off 6 really seasick folks, but went back out. The fish were cleaned and taken over to the American Legion Post in Princeton, where they were cooked for the Vets. A gallon ziplock filled with fish went back to each Campus and facility so folks who couldn't amke it will be able to enjoy a fresh fish meal the next day.
Wounded & Disabled Vets FishingTrip

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