We often do not get days like Monday October 29th 2007 in the Port Alberi Vancouver Island area. Late October can often be foggy and a bit damp. But not so on this day. The beautiful fall day on the Stamp River was glorious. Guests had a day of a lifetime. There were plenty of Coho and late summer Steelhead in the Upper Stamp River. With the jet boats being put in at the Robertson Creek Hatchery it does not take long to be fishing. Most of the Coho were put back into the water. A few bright silvers that were hatchery between 10 and 15 pounds were kept. The steelies were hitting hard on the Janson Eggs while on the drift. Many Steelhead are entering the system and also into the lower river as the Chinook that are spawning in the wild are dropping their eggs.
We are expecting a few more good days and many days inot November of late Summer Steelhead fishing.