I set out Trying to Guide my Buddies Onto a Few Large Mouth that they had been wanting for several weeks.
Slide Show, If picture doesn't show let buffering complete and then play slideshow
This Afternoon Shane, Neil, James and I ended up Going to Busse's WWD and Fishing The Crystal Clear Waters of the WWD and Salt Creek for Large Mouth Bass,Crappie, Carp, And Blue Gill. Before Heading over to the WWD We decided to hit behind the football feild looking for carp. Wearing my Polorised Sunglasses I spotted a Really nice Walleye about 19 " But it quickly swam off. So we All Got low to the snow and Then Spotted a School of Common Carp There i quickly threw out 3-4 Marble sized Baits From my Bag, About a 4-5lb Carp was Feeding and ate atleast three pieces so i tossed My Size 12 hook and 6lb Fluro-Carbon line up stream it flowed in front of the carp it hit and after a short fight the real effort was getting to the fish. the bank was steep snow up to my knees and ice under that, then When i got to the bank it was 3 feet down until the water, but Somehow i managed to get him in. After wards we quickly walked over to the WWD Where #1Cubsfan and Basscaster were fishing on the Rails, Unfortunanlty I didn't find that out until I read there report. I wasn't expecting the Water to be so Clear or Shallow No body ever mentioned that so It completely caught me off guard. There We ended up fishing for Large Mouth. I have two Videos explaing most of the Outing, I apologise the report is Short And theres no detail in weather conditions (didn't bring any of the equipment.) But will do for sure next time.
Here's a Video of me Explaining Part I of the Report. (Trying to provide video in most reports, This covers up the video I didn't take while out on the water.)
Carp in Salt Creek
Carp Recipe: Cherry/Kiwi Winter Bait
3/4 Cup Flour
.14 Oz Packet Cherry Kool-Aid
.14 oz Packet Kiwi Kool-aid (usually use watermelon kiwi)
2 Slices White Bread (smashed into bread crumbs,Only the white)
1/2 Cup Milk
2 Cup Corn meal

Total Catch:
George (Artificials)
1 10 " Large Mouth
1 13" Large Mouth
1 4-5lb Common Carp
2 White Crappie
09 Bluegill
Shane (Worm)
1 16" LargeMouth
James (Worm/Artficials)
1 8" Large Mouth
1 14" Large Mouth
Neil (Worm)
2 Crappie
10 Bluegill
Perch Guy
Chicago il.
Multi-Species Angler