Greeting from the Cape Fear Coast,
The First Annual Cape Fear Striped Bass was a great success. Although there were only seven angler pairs (seven boats), over seventy Striped Bass were landed with about forty of those fish tagged. There were a lot more strikes and pulled hooks. Most of the fish caught were in the 18-22" range with the largest 2 fish being 26.5". My anglers were Skipper Smith and Don Latella from Fayetteville, N.C. and they landed six or seven fish and lost four or five. Don had the largest fish at 26" and Skipper landed several schoolies with a 20" fish being his largest one. It was a great day for all anglers involved and we all raised money for Cape Fear River Basin to help improve the fishery as a whole.
Booking trips for December, January and February for Cape Fear Striped Bass.
Keep Chasing Trophies,
Capt. Danny Wrenn
96 Charter Company
Wilmington, N.C.