Fishing Reports by Captain John Rainone
About The Author: Captain
Company: L\'il Toot Charters Inc.
Area Reporting: Salt Water fishing
Bio: I have been a charter boat captain for over 34 years, and have experience in catching every species of fish from flounder to giant bluefin tuna. I have been known to grab my fishing rod and sneak in-between my customers to wet a line and catch a few fish. I do this because I love to fish, and enjoy being out on the water where every day brings fun, excitement and memories of great times shared between my customers, my mate and myself.
Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Captain
Black Fish coming to an end (12/08/2008)
[Point Judith,RI] Black Fishing is coming to an end in RI waters.
[Point Judith,RI] Black Fishing is coming to an end in RI waters.
Sharking South Of Block Island (7/09/2008)
[Point Judith,RI] Sharks are everywhere. The ocean is full of bait and life. Sharks and Tuna are on the surface chasing bait.
[Point Judith,RI] Sharks are everywhere. The ocean is full of bait and life. Sharks and Tuna are on the surface chasing bait.
Bass & Blues are biting (7/03/2008)
[Point Judith,RI] Bass and blues are gorging themselves on sand eels. Fish are everywhere chasing the bait. Mixed bag of fish species and sizes.
[Point Judith,RI] Bass and blues are gorging themselves on sand eels. Fish are everywhere chasing the bait. Mixed bag of fish species and sizes.