Fishing Reports by Guide Vincent Appleby
About The Author:
Company: Eureka Lodge
Area Reporting: Waterville fishery
Bio: Name. Vincent Appleby. Fishing Guide for the Waterville Fishery Lough Currane is the finest specimen Sea Trout Lake in Ireland and we also have great Salmon fishing on the lake or our great River system, starting with the Butler Pool, River Inny, we three upper Lakes
353 0872074882
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Waterville Fishery Salmon reports (2/26/2008)
[Waterville,CK] 18/2/08 all quiet on all fishing fronts 19/2/08 Everything the same as yesterday 20/2/08 very quiet on the fishing front. 21/2/08 no Salmon caught 22/2/08 Again my noble gentlemen weren't in a taking mood 23/2/08 All quiet on the SW front. 24/2/08 It was a good fishing day in the eye of the fisherman but the old Salmon thought differently
[Waterville,CK] 18/2/08 all quiet on all fishing fronts 19/2/08 Everything the same as yesterday 20/2/08 very quiet on the fishing front. 21/2/08 no Salmon caught 22/2/08 Again my noble gentlemen weren't in a taking mood 23/2/08 All quiet on the SW front. 24/2/08 It was a good fishing day in the eye of the fisherman but the old Salmon thought differently