Reports are coming in about a few early Chinook being caught down at Humpback Bay. This is a feeding and staging ground close to the Skeena River. Herring and Needlefish use this area for spawning which means great feeding for the large Salmon.
I cut my herring using the 45degree/45degree angle and insert two #5 Gammies with a trailing treble stinger hook. It is like a pin cusion, any salmon even thinking about biting will get hooked. I also use false flashers off my cannonballs to attract the Springers in the murky water of the lower Skeena River. At this time of year the spring run off has begun leaving the top 10 feet of water silty and vis low. The salmon are less wary which means more strikes.
Two other places of note have been producing these early Chinook. Big Bay 5 miles north has recently see a massive herring spawn and the Springers have been there as well as Halibut, Sea Lions, Humbback Whales and many birds flying and diving. Metlakatla Pass has produced quite a few Salmon over the last two weeks. Most have been cought on Hootchies and Anchovi trolled behind a Abe and Al flasher. This is not my cup of tea because when you do hookup you have to fight your flasher as well as your fish.
Deep Spring Charters is ready for these early run fish. Captain Stephen Hardie is chomping at the bit to whack a few. Call me