Bamfield salmon fishing areas close to this beautiful community located on the shoreline of Barkley Sound Vancouver Island continues to be very good. There are plenty of coho and chinook. The coho are getting bigger as they are putting on a pound a week. Most are averaging 8 to 10 pounds with some 14 to 15 pound fish in the mix. Over the weekend guide Doug of Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing had two chinook on a mini 500 plug that both weighed 22 pounds along the Bamfield Wall. Other than that most of the chinook are 10 to 17 pounds on average. The chinook are in deeper water up to almost 100 feet. They are still preferring anchovy behind clear and pearl colored Teaser Heads. Some green spoons are also working
behind green and red hotspot flashers. The coho are really hitting the white AORL 12 and green spatterback hootchies with 42 inches of leader. They are above the chinook in the top 30 to 70 feet of water. At times it is difficult to get to deeper water to the chinook. The fishng should remain very good as there are plenty of migrating salmon and the local coho and chinook will be returning to nearby rivers and hatcheries soon. To date our salmon fishing this summer has been phenomenal.