So I woke up extra early this morning and I swear there were Polar Bears lurking around in my garden because it was 5 deg. C and all I was wearing was my fishing shorts, shirt and a pair of crocs. My feet were curling into the little bit of material that the footwear had.
The highlight of the day was when driving down my mountain to the city; I was listening to "I wanna be a Billionaire…." and it was about then that the heater in the car started having an effect and warming my frozen toes.
As far as the fishing went the there were so many Hammerhead sharks around today the NE wind was howling at its best and there was a big swell, when collecting live bait we did well with plenty Mackerel, Mozzies and Shad around, as for the fishing we caught several Hammerhead Sharks, one was at least 80kg; 2 Albatrosses and a Petrel who gave me a solid nip. Whilst drifting we got a bitch slap wave (a wave that slaps the side of the boat and wets everyone inside) and on the way back the bow went right through a large wave creating a tunnel of water which then collapsed on all of us onboard.