Fishing Reports by Guide Mike Laubscher

About The Author:
Company: Blue Water Charters - Durban
Area Reporting: Durban. KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
Bio: I have been fishing since I was 5 years old in Durban and have fished many places around the world and in South Africa, but Durban is my home waters. I fished competitive for many years and I have been running my own charters since 2008 with 2 companies and 2 boats, fish a variety of styles and target a variety of fish species in both Salt and Fresh water, have many published articles in several magazines on fishing. Love nature and outdoors, Am very conservation minded and have a passion for birds. I am crazy about big Tuna, Marlin Fishing and Game Fishing, and also love light tackle spinning, am a total lure junkie. Represented my province in fly fishing for many years and am also pro staff for Rapala/Shimano. I want to write a book on fishing one day. 3 items left on my fishing bucket list, guess then a new bucket list will be in order. As a writer I have my own quote: \"I love taking people fishing because it releases their inner child, and in doing so keeps my inner child alive.\"
[Durban,KZN] Ruben who has been working as a deckhand for us during his school holidays it is his first interaction with a Marlin and he saw it chasing the kona whilst clearing lines and teased it to perfection to get the hook up and so a huge congratulations to him, how awesome for him and his dad to share a memory like this together
[Durban,KZN] soon we will start having Marlin strikes it is just a matter of time now
[Durban,KZN] they are really fun to catch, often giving acrobatic aerial display and great for family trips to giving the younger ones
[Durban,KZN] Finally summer seems to be on its way with the water warming up, but still no Dorado which we are anticipating on any trip now, they seem to be late this year
[Durban,KZN] WOW. So great to be operating trips again.
[Durban,KZN] Lockdown has been really difficult, at first you keep yourself busy with many projects but eventually you run out of materials and after 8 weeks I find myself highly frustrated, perhaps even a bit angry and definitely concerned about what is going on
[Durban,KZN] I anticipate some more Marlin will make an appearance in the next 4-6 weeks before the season makes its annual change and I hope we start to see some Wahoo in bigger numbers along with more Yellowfin Tuna.
[Durban,KZN] Some of the best Marlin fishing for the season so far
[Durban,KZN] We saw something really incredible that I have never witnessed off Durban on our way back in a strong west from far North, we came across a shoal of over 200 GT’s from 30-50Kg, they were not scared of the boat but no matter what we offered them they would not bite, observing their behaviour it looked like they were spawning.
[Durban,KZN] After multiple tuna hook ups we hooked into a Black marlin on the way home
[Durban,KZN] Multiple Tuna Hooks ups, twisted lines causing chaos and mayhem aboard Fat Girl - What a great day of fishing
[Durban,KZN] at the end of the trip on the way home with only 1 Dorado in the hatch a small Black Marlin took the inside rigger
[Durban,KZN] This hot weather the past few days is caused by the Agulhas current being so close to shore along with the very warm water temperatures and I think a nice cold front will do wonders for the fishing and give the fans and air-conditioners a break.
[Durban,KZN] With a choppy SE swell and a moderate SW wind Nawty Girl went out for a short 5 hour morning charter, water was warm and clean deeper out.
[Durban,KZN] By 06h30 we had a triple hook up, 1 on/off and we landed the other 2
[Durban,KZN] The big west late yesterday flattened the sea and today was reasonably nice conditions, overcast with a reverse current.
[Durban,KZN] 1 was very small so it was put back to grow bigger first. A number of Hammerhead Sharks have been seen on recent trips and a huge Manta Ray.
[Durban,KZN] After the trip Dads and Kiddies help with cleaning and filleting their catch before going home to eat it, making for a full holiday fishing experience.
[Durban,KZN] December is here so fast and holiday season will be upon us in a few days, for those that are planning on booking a charter it is best to book now as we filling up fast.
[Durban,KZN] The Dorado (Mahi) were very hyperactive today and many of them were small and came off on the jump making for a frustrating day
[Durban,KZN] The Dorado were very hungry and active, when hooked up they gave us acrobatic aerial displays with some of them jumping off the hook in the process, some were smashing at our lures but missing completely increasing the excitement
[Durban,KZN] came across a school of over 100 Dorado but all where the size of my hand, was amazing to see them jumping and perfectly formed in every way even though so small
[Durban,KZN] The sea was a bit bumpy this morning after yesterday’s winds but settled down in the later part of the day. The water was under 22deg. C but looking good, we also saw a massive Manta Ray. Any day now we going to hook up with a Black Marlin, the fish are coming in now.
[Durban,KZN] With some really hot days the past few weeks we could be in for a very hot summer which will make for a good game fish season.
[Durban,KZN] Better late than never, we finally opened our Dorado (Mahi) account for the season today, water is still cold
[Durban,KZN] Once deep I tapped the throttles back a little and started working some previously productive areas and BANG the port corner went and I thought it was a small Striped Marlin as it took off, 30 minutes later .......
[Durban,KZN] we were out deep off Salt Rock with that strong current and made the turn to head back, on the way back we found some smaller Yellowfin Tuna and then for the grand finale we landed a stunning........
[Durban,KZN] This is not a fish we often catch here and so a really memorable catch.
[Durban,KZN] The sons definitely out fished the dads on this trip.
[Durban,KZN] We had 2 families on the boat for a short morning charter. Water is very cold and under 20deg.C and we had a screaming reverse current.
[Durban,KZN] We had an upcountry couple with us on a short charter today, conditions were really nice with a moderate SW wind and seas were nice and flat. The water has got cold now and sits under 20 deg.C and we had a relatively strong reverse current which made bottom fishing a little difficult.
[Durban,KZN] The kiddies had so much fun today, every drop was a fish and once we had enough fish we tried trolling for Tuna or Bonito
[Durban,KZN] We got some nice Slinger today and before we knew it we had our Slinger quota, we then tried for other species
[Durban,KZN] With winter in full swing now, I thought it was time to reflect on the past summer season. The season started early with our biggest Dorado of 20kg opening the account on the 1st of October, even more special was that this fish was landed by a young boy
[Durban,KZN] It’s not every day that one can get full quota on a trip, especially in such a short time, in this situation a person must be contentious of regulations and conservation and not take more than the limit that is allowed. My suggestion is to use this time to look for something specific or special, try out new techniques and investigate new areas.
[Durban,KZN] . Immediately after we went over the last point the shotgun snapped and the reel was screaming and in no time we were into the backing and could not stop this fish, it’s not every day that one can land their entire bucket list in 1 trip.
[Durban,KZN] Monday was nice and comfortable with flat seas even though the NE was blowing a bit. We struggled to find any Tuna and even Bonito have been scarce
[Durban,KZN] catching one after another and even plenty multiple hook ups which was great fun as our sole guest got to fight fish after fish after fish and on light tackle Bonito are good sport. During all this action we had a large Zambezi Shark (Bull Shark) about 3.5m long jump clear over our lines just a few meters behind the boat, this was a magnificent display
[Durban,KZN] On one trip we had full quota of bottom fish for all on board within the first hour and then tried in vain for the rest of the trip looking for Tuna. Yesterday we ventured out to deep waters after bottoms first and found out deep that the water is clean, blue and warm but sadly void of life.
[Durban,KZN] we has an almost full strike and fought all the fish to the boat, there was 1 line remaining in the water, we had 14 Sarda and 6 Bonnies in the hatch. After we got the fish on deck I put the speed back up again and before we could put any lines out the remaining line popped of the rigger and we had a proper fish on and were into the backing
[Durban,KZN] we did not want to hook up a Hammerhead Shark and so Erik started reeling in that line, but he was too late and the line went tight, the rod bent and line slowly peeled off the reel, nobody wanted to fight the Hammerhead Shark and Kurt decided he would accept the challenge, he got into the chair and Erik handed him the rod and Kurt stated winding and as he gave the rod the first pump, things changed somewhat and suddenly the reel was screaming and as it went into the backing
[Durban,KZN] It gives us so much pleasure to share fishing and the ocean we love so much with others, especially the little ones.
[Durban,KZN] A 3 hour afternoon Birthday Party come fishing trip in the Durban harbour was great fun on McFire for these folks who have never fished before.
[Durban,KZN] inshore was a bit colder and green and so some old tactics not used in a long time were employed and some old spots were visited
[Durban,KZN] Trolling out to the reefs for some bottom fishing was very quiet and as we started bring in the lines there was some action by a Dorado that would not commit to the lure and so a bottom trace on a spinning rod ready with squid was thrown into the spread without a sinker
[Durban,KZN] On days like this there is always that one Bonito that is going to play games with you and when you get stripped into the backing and have a long 30 minute fight you are so disappointed when you discover it’s not that big Tuna you thought but a foul hooked Bonnie.
[Durban,KZN] A kid’s birthday fishing trip went perfect with flat seas and calm weather
[Durban,KZN] Loads of life all around in the area; a wide variety or birds were seen, big schools of dolphins, massive manta rays, turtles and we saw some very big sharks. Oceanic Bonito were around in abundance
[Durban,KZN] Sometimes a short trip is all one needs to just get out there breath in some fresh air in and get some quick fishing in, then head back de-stressed and refreshed.
[Durban,KZN] The Friday came with a light SW wind and the current had slowed down, warm blue water had also come in and there was a very distinct colour line. The first line went early