The Upper portion of the Stamp River from the Robertson Creek Hatchery down to the falls has really picked up for late summer steelhead. We are entering the river at the hatchery and are finding Janson eggs to be an excellent choice of tackle to attract these beautiful chrome steelhead. The Fall or Late Summer Steelhead have been entering the system for a few weeks but with the big Chinook now spawning in the upper river the steelhead are coming in bigger schools which has really highlighted our late October fishing. This should continue into late November just before we begin our winter steelhead fishing later in December. We are using jet boats and drifting in some of our best river areas.
There are also some nice Coho in the system. Using spinners and casting we are picking up 4 to 6 coho daily. Anything not silver or not hatchery we are putting back into the river.
Daily limits on Coho and Steelhead are two and they must be hatchery fish.
We are currently booking into November, which is expected to be a fabulous month for fishing steelhead. Join us at our lodge where we will prepare breakfast and lunches for your experience on the beautiful Somass-Stamp River System. Winter Steelhead will begin later in December. Call or e mail Doug 250 724 2502 or