The fall mullet run is here and will continue to get better for the next 4 weeks. With it will be great Tarpon fishing and great fishing in general as all sorts of predatory fish will be following them .. As the winter months progress, the shrimp will increase in size and the night Tarpon fishing at the bridges will be very good especially on the warming cycle after a cold front. Soon Mackerel will be here as well providing high number catches with a good fighting fish.
It will be interesting to see how long the Permit fishing stays hot. Currently, with good weather or a west wind, Permit is almost guaranteed. As a matter of fact, a few charters back one of my clients got a grand slam by 11:00am and then next day another charter got two of the three by 10:15am and could not get the Bonefish the rest of the day (which is funny because it is usually the easiest).
Snook and Bonefish has been a down year due to the fish kill from last winter's extended cold front. Because of that, fish such as Sharks, Tarpon and (Permit whom were off shore and not effected) are having an incredible year.
Gag Grouper will also move into shallow water to spawn in the winter months providing opportunity for catches in shallow water. Sometimes as shallow as 3-6 feet.
Capt Tom Weber