Fishing Reports by Captain Tom weber

About The Author: Captain

Company: florida native charters

Area Reporting: Miami...Biscayne Bay...Key Biscayne

Bio: Hi! I'm Capt. Tom Weber, and I was born and raised in Stuart, Florida. I caught my first fish at the age of two on a family fishing outing. Fishing was always a big part of the Weber family traditions and was incorporated into many weekend outings. From the beginning, I was hooked and I've been light tackle and fly fishing the inland waters from Stuart, Miami, and Islamorada for the past 40 years. I moved to Miami 12 years ago and realized my love for Biscayne Bay - its beauty and its incredible fishing opportunities.

Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Captain
Tarpon in Miami (9/27/2010)
[Miami,FL] Miami Tarpon fishing hot as fall mullet run starts.