Local Big Lake Pro, David Rabalais, reported that the north and south reefs near Long Point are productive areas for trout this week. He also mentioned the front end of Grand Bayou and Lambert's Bayou for both trout and reds with moving tide producing the best results and he likes an outgoing tide.
He also suggested the beach area, especially with a north wind situation.
The short rigs at Johnson Bayou are also getting active and have been good for both trout and reds. Live mullet has been taking some bull reds in this area.
Calcasieu Point's Elaine Huck said they had another good week and she continues to have lots of kids catching fish from her piers. She mentioned that a lot of big trout were caught this weekend as well as numerous big flounder. Huck, like Rabalais, suggested the south end of the lake and the Old Jetties as current hot spots.
Turners Bay was also mentioned as well as West Cove which is productive with great water quality. Huck also had a few people weigh in fish that were caught at the Four Corners. Local retail bait pusher Greg Vidrine, says "fishing is off the charts" with anglers having great trips. He also stated "There's plenty of bait in the lake and good weather conditions translate into more anglers able to get out and have successful trips."
Fishermen are not contained to particular areas or times of the day so they can fish when and where they choose to fish. More options usually translates into more fish in the boat. Vidrine indicated that there just doesn't seem to be a bad time to go fishing.....now there is a man who has got life figured out.
Reports are coming into his store from fish being caught as far south as the first rigs to the East Bank, West Cove, Turners Bay, Black Bayou and Prien Lake. The top water bite has been the best in years and Vidrine's favorite, wharf fishing at night, he describes as being incredible.
He also says to not limit your opportunity to only reds or specks because the flounder are out there too! For top water, he suggested Super Spooks and for plastics he likes Berkley Gulp! For flounder he likes the Gulp! Swimming Minnow and Flounder Pounder. On big trout, Hackberry Rod and Gun had 3 Trout at or over eight pounds last week and local angler, Rob Prejean caught 3 trout over six pounds. Wow! What a week on Big Lake!