Fishing Reports by Captain Brandon Fraley

About The Author: Captain
Company: Fisheye Fishing Charters
Area Reporting: Clearwater
Bio: Captain Brandon Fraley is a full time USCG lisenced fishing guide with more than 20 years experience fishing Florida\'s waters. Grouper, Snapper, Cobia, Kingfish, Shark....
Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Captain
Kingfish (3/27/2012)
[Clearwater,FL] Spring like weather producing great Kingfish bite!
[Clearwater,FL] Spring like weather producing great Kingfish bite!
Kids catch more fish! (7/06/2008)
[Clearwater,FL] The past two weeks, almost every trip, I've had parents and their kids from 6-16 years old. I don't know why it is, but the kids are outcatching the adults every time!!!
[Clearwater,FL] The past two weeks, almost every trip, I've had parents and their kids from 6-16 years old. I don't know why it is, but the kids are outcatching the adults every time!!!
Light Tackle Kingfish, Bonita, Cobia (5/26/2008)
[Clearwater,FL] Kingfish, Cobia, Bonita, Blacktip Sharks have all shown up on our nearshore reefs from 3-6 miles offshore. Light tackle and live bait make for a fun day and screeming reels!
[Clearwater,FL] Kingfish, Cobia, Bonita, Blacktip Sharks have all shown up on our nearshore reefs from 3-6 miles offshore. Light tackle and live bait make for a fun day and screeming reels!
Grouper, Cobia and Blackfin Tuna (5/09/2008)
[Clearwater,FL] Weather conditions have been perfect for offshore fishing. Large schools of bait on area wrecks are getting the grouper, cobia, and blackfin tuna feeding.
[Clearwater,FL] Weather conditions have been perfect for offshore fishing. Large schools of bait on area wrecks are getting the grouper, cobia, and blackfin tuna feeding.