Been a pretty good week for fisherman seeking yellowfin and night trips have been yeilding nice fish..we even caught some while grouper fishing last trip out..been netting as many as a dozen on the night trips including a 190 fish from last Monday and anywhere from 4-9 on last weeks day boat releasd a blue marlin and others had run ins resulting in premature releases..picked up at least one bull dolphin each try while trolling...we are anticipating the white marlin intrusion from the east anyday now..the guys in the panhandle of FL have been wearing them out along with swordfish..we have a night trip later this week..hoping to bag a sword and some tuna..grouper bite has also been steady with alot of nice fish falling for live baits..we have been finding 10 of them last 3 trips on the ride home...Paradise Outfitters - 1-888-FISH-W-US (1-888-347-4987)
Fall pattern in full swing
2006-09-11 18:25:35
Venice, Louisiana - Saltwater Fishing Report
Fish Species: tuna
Bait Used: live
Tackle Used:
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Wind Direction:
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Friday\'s crew

190# - er
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