Fishing Reports by Captain Chuck Graham

About The Author: Captain
Company: Angler Charter Boat
Area Reporting: Hudson River - Staten Island, NY
Bio: Captain Chuck Graham has been fishing the waters of the North Atlantic for the past 30 years both inshore and offshore, from Provincetown MA on Cape Cod to Cape May NJ. Fishing both commercially and as a charter boat captain. Since 1995 he has fished in the sportfishing category exclusively, using the vast knowledge gained through many years experience on the water to provide a memorable day's experience for many people aboard his charters. On April 29, 2001 while fishing the Hudson River Spring Run for Striped Bass we boated the largest Striped Bass in New York for that year and tied the all time Inland Record at 54 Lbs 6 Oz. Captain Chuck holds a USCG Masters License and is fully insured of course.
[Hudson River,NY] Higher Than Normal Air & Water Temps. Bring Early Start For The 2012 Spring Run On The Hudson River
[New York Bight,NY] Plenty of fluke but through back ratio high
[Hudson River,NY] 2010 Striper season only about one month away now. Prime dates are available.
[Staten Island,NY] If you are fishing the Hudson River north of the TZB for striped bass you will have to hold a NYS freshwater fishing and also a migratory species permit.(Salt Water Fishing License)
[Saugerties,NY] 2009 Hudson River Striped Bass Season Now Open
[Saugerties,NY] 2009 Spring run Striped Bass on the Hudson River
[New York Bight,NY] Fall Run Stripers With Most Trips Showing 20 To 30 Fish.
[New York Bight,NY] Fall Run Striped Bass Action Heating Up
[Staten Island,NY] The Fishing Is Only Getting Better Each Week.Night Trips For Stripers.Combo Day Trips For Stripers-Fluke-Blues-Seabass
[Saugerties,NY] Over the last five trips the fishing is only getting better
[Staten Island,NY] As we come to the end of February there is only about 45 days left until we are fishing again. As we all know this winter started out very warm but that's all changed over the last month or so and I think because of the cold weather and snow we will have a more normal spring season.