Fishing Reports by Guide Kelly Matthews

About The Author:
Company: Weiss Lake Guides
Area Reporting: Weiss Lake Centre Alabama
Bio: Offering year round guided crappie trips on World Famous Weiss LAke in Centre Alabama.
Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Fishing Guide
Weiss Lake Guide Service Report February 23rd 2011 (2/23/2011)
[Weiss Lake,AL] Crappie fishing on Weiss Lake is real good right now and will get better as the water temps keep rising...
[Weiss Lake,AL] Crappie fishing on Weiss Lake is real good right now and will get better as the water temps keep rising...
Weiss Lake Guide Service Report 2/6/2011 (2/06/2011)
[Weiss Lake,AL] Fishng was real good today on Weiss with the trolling bite finally coming on...
[Weiss Lake,AL] Fishng was real good today on Weiss with the trolling bite finally coming on...
Spider Rigging (1/28/2011)
[Weiss Lake,AL] Crappie fishing is still prety tough on Weiss Lake.
[Weiss Lake,AL] Crappie fishing is still prety tough on Weiss Lake.
Weiss Lake Guide Service Report 1/25/2011 (1/25/2011)
[Weiss Lake,AL] Fishing has been pretty tough on Weiss Lake this January. We have had some of the coldest weather Cherokee County has seen in a long time.
[Weiss Lake,AL] Fishing has been pretty tough on Weiss Lake this January. We have had some of the coldest weather Cherokee County has seen in a long time.
Weiss Lake Bass & Crappie Fishing Report (7/28/2008)
[Weiss Lake,AL] The weather is hot but the fish are still biting pretty good...
[Weiss Lake,AL] The weather is hot but the fish are still biting pretty good...
Weiss Lake Crappie Fishing Report 04-16-08 (4/16/2008)
[Weiss Lake,AL] Fishing has been really good over the last few days and should get better as the water wrams back up from the latest cold front we are dealing with...
[Weiss Lake,AL] Fishing has been really good over the last few days and should get better as the water wrams back up from the latest cold front we are dealing with...
Weiss Lake CRappie Fishing Report 04/07/08 (4/07/2008)
[Weiss Lake,AL] CRappie fishing has been good so far in April and should continue to be good...
[Weiss Lake,AL] CRappie fishing has been good so far in April and should continue to be good...
Weiss Lake Crappie Report 02/04/08 (2/04/2008)
[Weiss Lake,AL] Crappie fishing is still good on Weiss Lake even with the cold front from the past week. Long lining should really pickup here over the next few days...
[Weiss Lake,AL] Crappie fishing is still good on Weiss Lake even with the cold front from the past week. Long lining should really pickup here over the next few days...
Weiss Lake Winter Fishing 2008 (1/28/2008)
[Weiss Lake,AL] Winter fishing has been real good this year on Weiss and should get even better as we get into February...
[Weiss Lake,AL] Winter fishing has been real good this year on Weiss and should get even better as we get into February...
Weiss Lake Crappie Fishng Report 12/31/2007 (12/31/2007)
[Weiss Lake,AL] Crappie fishing on Weiss Lake has been great this fall and has started off even better for this winter. Mid January should be really good!!!
[Weiss Lake,AL] Crappie fishing on Weiss Lake has been great this fall and has started off even better for this winter. Mid January should be really good!!!
Weiss Lake Crappie Fishing Report 11/21/07 (11/21/2007)
[Weiss Lake,AL] Late Fall Fishing on Weiss has really been good this year - we have had a mild fall season and it has really prolonged the fall crappie bite...
[Weiss Lake,AL] Late Fall Fishing on Weiss has really been good this year - we have had a mild fall season and it has really prolonged the fall crappie bite...
Weiss Lake Crappie Fishing 10/29/07 (10/29/2007)
[Weiss Lake,AL] Crappie fishing on Weiss Lake has really turned on over the last few days - with the cool fall mornings we have had has really dropped the surface temps and the crappie seem to be glad that the dog days of summer are gone...
[Weiss Lake,AL] Crappie fishing on Weiss Lake has really turned on over the last few days - with the cool fall mornings we have had has really dropped the surface temps and the crappie seem to be glad that the dog days of summer are gone...
Weiss Lake Crappie Fishing Report (8/21/2007)
[Weiss Lake,AL] LAKE LEVEL - 560.2 from 564.0 Full SURFACE TEMP - 87 to 89 WATER CLARITY - Stained
[Weiss Lake,AL] LAKE LEVEL - 560.2 from 564.0 Full SURFACE TEMP - 87 to 89 WATER CLARITY - Stained